Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Take total ownership...

Cancel the pity party. Pull yourself together and take total ownership for everything in your life.

— Unknown

One of my treasured coaches taught me about this many moons ago (from A Course in Miracles). I don’t mind saying, I didn’t get it. When you’ve suffered an ill fate and you know that it was not of your doing, it’s kinda hard to get out of that victim place. “Taking total ownership” was a paradigm shift and this is how I look at it nowadays... Certainly unfortunate things may happen to us that are completely out of our control. Then what? At this point, we’re left holding that bag and we need to do our very best with the situation. This is where the whole “take lemons and make lemonade” mentality comes in. I challenge myself to spend less and less time on what’s happened and more time on solutions. I now think, how can I learn from this experience and get stronger? Surviving crappy experiences can actually build self-esteem (like when I suffered the financial crisis right to the bottom, and am now driven to be indispensable with results that are indisputable). Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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