Monday, August 20, 2018

Silver lining...

If some situation occurs that affects your state of joy, repeat to yourself, “All good is coming from this situation.” And it will. Learn from each experience. You will find after experiencing a challenging situation, your level of joy will be higher than it has ever been before.

— The Secret

Personally, I think The Secret is onto something. You have your typical ups and downs in life, but when you get truly blind-sided, it is beyond scary and shocking. I’ve experienced two such moments. I was blown away enough at one point that I was afraid to be alone, which is very out of character for me. I couldn’t wrap my head around what had happened. The second time I was blown away, I was privately in a state of shock for about three months (I was in bed every night reading self-help books!). Although my two shocking experiences were a horror at the time, they set me up for the life and love of my dreams. In order to move forward, I had to accept my hand in each of these situations. In the first, I needed to leave a bad job and was stalling for far too long. In the second, I was again delaying leaving the wrong relationship. They say if we don’t make our own decisions, they will be made for us. I now pay attention and carefully manage all aspects of my life. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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