Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Our limitations...

If someone tells you “you can’t” they’re showing you their limits. Not yours!

— wordsworthbillions

It’s interesting how we react to other people’s stories and goals. We seem to immediately think about how we would feel in that situation. I wonder why we do that? Other people have their own path and who’s to say we need to weigh in on their goals or decisions? I’ve noticed that when I go to a wedding, I have a huge reaction, depending on where I’m at in my life. When I was getting divorced, I wanted to avoid weddings (awe, but makes sense). When I was in the wrong relationship, weddings made me cry (also awe, but makes sense). Now that I’m with my perfect partner and love of my life, weddings make me cry with joy and think about the vows I’m going to write (awe, much better!). Maybe we can’t help but be the reference point for others’ stories, even though we should just allow them the space to have their own thoughts and experiences without our feelings landing on them. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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