Friday, December 11, 2015

Lines in the sand...

Friction is understandable and even expected in relationships. When we're at close quarters and making decisions together, things can get dicey. What do we do when we piss each other off ? ;) One would hope for a calm sharing of thoughts and concerns, leading to a great outcome, right? We wish. It seems the more we care, the more we're "triggered" and the temperature in the room rises. All of the cliche sayings come to mind; "You gotta take the good with the bad", "Nobody's perfect", "Accept your friends for who they are." Sure, I agree. When do you make big decisions and draw hard lines though? Exactly how much do we accept from "friends" and when is a friend not a friend anymore? Not an easy question... but if someone makes us feel bad about ourselves, I vote no thanks. Addiction counsellors caution around the whole "enabling" thing. "Just say no" to shaming, guilting and "bad dog" wrath type responses. Just sayin ;)



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