Saturday, December 5, 2015

Inner challenge...

"If you do not bring the genius within you, it will destroy you. But if you bring forth the genius within you, it will free you." - Rob Brezny

Hmmmm. Do we rise, or do allow ourselves to make excuses? Certainly, we do not have to do anything we don't wanna do in life (well, other than the obvious - work, take care of the kids etc. ;)). But does it cost us when we hide and/or shrink from some of the things we think about doing, but can't quite bring ourselves to commit to? What are we afraid of anyway... failure, criticism, not being good enough? I'm sure we could go our whole lives secretly contemplating pursuing or working harder at some of our interests and passions. No one would have to know. But we'll know and instead, maybe we're playing avoidance by watching more TV, eating more treats, telling ourselves maybe tomorrow. It's up to us. I wonder what would happen if we just started, one baby step at a time, just to say we at least tried! Just sayin' ;)



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