Saturday, March 14, 2015

Unfulfilled promises...

Everything starts out bright and shiny. There is something very compelling about the promise of a new start - politicians use this platform a lot because it's a tried and true message. Managers and companies paint a picture of the ideal job, as we envision a better life... and on a more personal note, a new date or lover has us fantasizing about the perfect romance, filled with passion, acceptance, understanding, fun, excitement, safety, whatever your desire... and then real life happens. We begin to see the cracks in the veneer and sometimes we have to endure the complete unraveling of our hopeful fantasies. This is disappointing, maybe even painful and can lead to apathy or bitterness. Therapists warn about this fantasy stage of new relationships because they're generally based on our imaginations and not proven experience. So!! Should we stop believing and hoping? Hell no!! ... but maybe we can be wary of "campaign promises" and know up front that we'll have to prepare for and accept that every car becomes a used car as soon as we drive it off the lot, Lol;) ... and allow for the imperfect and the "sales pitch." ... but hoping for better is still a worthwhile exercise and may well get us better :) ... Hugs.



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