Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dealing with emotions, reactions, fears...

"Obstacles make us emotional, but the only way we'll survive or overcome them is by keeping those emotions in check - if we can keep steady no matter what happens, no matter how much external events may fluctuate. The Greek had a word for this: apatheia. It's the kind of calm equanimity that comes with the absence of irrational or extreme emotions.... this is the skill that must be cultivated - freedom from disturbance and perturbation - so you can focus your energy exclusively on solving problems, rather than reacting to them.... When you worry, ask yourself, 'What am I choosing to not see right now?' What important thing are you missing because you chose worry over introspection, alertness or wisdom?... Another way of putting it: Does getting upset provide you with more options?... If an emotion can't change the condition or the situation you're dealing with, it is likely an unhelpful emotion. Or, quite possibly, a destructive one."

From The Obstacle is the Way, by Ryan Holiday

Okay, sounds good! Easier said than done for sure, but maybe worth at least trying to cultivate. Ladies, I'm sure our men would be grateful, Lol;)



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