Sunday, March 1, 2015

Relationship reality...

Compliments of "Soul Essence Relationships" by Lorenzo Visser

"Most often, we enter our relationships full of fantasies and naivete, like adolescents. And often, the beginning of a relationship is a wonderful time. But it is also a dream state. Sooner or later, problems arise and when they do, we naturally think that the problem lies with ourselves, with the other person, or with the relationship. Then we may move on, or become depressed and give up on the possibility of love. Or perhaps even worse, we remain in the relationship, even for years as the love dies and the energy goes flat or turns nasty.

We may not realize that love takes deep work and awareness of ourselves. It takes awareness that relating deeply with another person will bring up deep unconscious issues. We are not born knowing how to love. We are born knowing how to have sex and how to be spontaneous and alive. But turning aliveness and attraction into love is a totally different story."

For you courageous folks out there, check out the rest of this article on line... it's quite the paradigm shift;) Hugs.



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