Friday, February 11, 2022

You have the power…

You’ve always had the power my dear.

You just had to learn it for yourself.

— The Wizard of Oz

I’m the baby of the family and I got into the habit of being shown how to do things. What a luxury. I didn’t realize how spoiled I was. It’s like having to read IKEA instructions (or any instructions for that matter) vs having someone there to show you how the pieces fit together. Thing is, there’s not always someone there to bail you out, especially if you live alone. I’m also technologically challenged (which may have something to do with my undiagnosed dyslexia). But over the years I’ve had no choice but to figure some things out for myself, and you know what? I’ve been pleasantly surprised at what I can figure out when I have no choice, Lol. Now I have the confidence that I can try different things, and not just assume that I don’t have the know how. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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