Tuesday, February 22, 2022

“The Not To Do List”…

Here are 9 habits that most people do that add stress and distraction to your day that you should eliminate. Like your to-do list, identify the top 3 stressors that you personally encounter, and make a plan to stop doing them:

1. Do not agree to meetings without a clear agenda or end time.

2. Do not drink coffee all day.

3. Do not answer unplanned calls except for family.

4. Do not e-mail when you wake up or right before going to sleep.

5. Do not waste time on low-benefit, high-cost endeavours.

6. Do not let people talk about nothing.

7. Do not constantly check your e-mail.

8. Do not work more just because you’re stressed.

9. Do not let work consume your life. 

What are your top 3?

— Jordan Buckner, Forbes 30 Under 30, Foodbevy Founder

My top three are: tend to check email a lot, check email when I wake up, overthink work. Thing is, I believe these habits have contributed to my success, over-achievement and higher earnings. I’ll have to manage a “fix” that doesn’t compromise my results. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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