Saturday, February 12, 2022

Less is more at work…

When Subtraction Adds Value

Imagining ways to introduce change is an essential skill no matter one’s occupation, role, or rank. Across a series of experiments, the authors found that people systematically overlook subtractive changes, instead following their instincts to add… 

Subtraction has untapped potential. With subtraction in mind, the designer might rid the app of unnecessary features, the manager might remove barriers to a more inclusive culture, and the advisory board member might suggest divesting from fossil fuels…

A company may be flourishing because the previous CEO removed burdensome red tape. A slide deck may precisely showcase the main point because its editor got rid of distracting secondary arguments. 

— excerpt from “When Subtraction Adds Value” by Gabrielle Adams, Benjamin A. Converse, Andrew Hales and Leiden Klotz

I don’t know about you, but this notion of subtraction feels like a big sigh of relief. I love the idea of less bureaucracy, less red tape, less admin… just less! I’m a minimalist in general though, and I love de-cluttering at work and at home. For me, it offers the space and time to focus on what really matters and what brings the best return. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO




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