Saturday, February 5, 2022

The courage to change…

If you don’t like where you are, MOVE. 

You are not a tree.

— Steve Maraboli (Author and highly sought after Consultant and Speaker for more than 2 decades. Recognized as a leading voice in Business, Peak Performance Mindset and Human Behavior. Maraboli was selected by Inc. Magazine as a “Top Leader to Follow”, while dubbing him as “The Most Quoted Man Alive” (2016). Born and raised in New York, he is one of three children born to Italian/Chilean parents. His parents migrated to the US in the late 60’s to escape poverty and to build a better life for their family, which they did. During his early school years, Maraboli struggled with grades, was classified with a learning disability and was placed in an alternative high school for his senior year. After graduation he entered the US Air Force, where he excelled to became a decorated military veteran and was selected to serve as a liaison to the Department of Defence within the Director of Central Intelligence Directive. Maraboli developed a unique style of bridging cutting edge Behavioural Science, proven Business Methodologies, humour, unforgettable stories and Social Insights). 

Where there’s a will, there’s a way comes to mind. From learning disability and special high school to highly sought after consultant and speaker. Wow. Very inspiring and motivating. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO




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