Monday, February 21, 2022

“Do you need better boundaries?”…

Setting better boundaries in your personal and working relationships can improve your mental health, writes best-selling author and boundaries expert Nedra Glover Tawwab. Yet many people struggle to do so when they’re most needed. 

Boundary setting advice:

* Try a week of telling colleagues you’ll only respond after hours if it’s urgent.

* The next time you have the choice between people-pleasing and truth-telling, choose the truth.

* Remove temptation by deleting work apps on weekends.

— Leah Smart (Excerpt from LinkedIn News)

I’m a pretty touchy-feely girl and looking back, I can see that I grew up trying to calm the waters and make everyone feel better. I just wanted everyone to get along and be happy. Not much has changed, Lol. Well, actually a lot has changed. I still want peace and calm in my life and I want those around me to be happy, but I take care of my own well being first and avoid taking on the emotional world of others. I seem to have less and less energy for drama. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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