Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The importance of close friendships…

The key to survival: Find five people. Hold them close. 

Close relationships—about five of them—are as essential as food and water…

Loneliness kills, and friendship preserves. There’s really nothing else—not exercise or even quitting smoking— that matches the positive effect on mental health and physical health of having friends, writes the inventor of “Dunbar’s number.” Quite simply, he says, friendship is “the best predictor of your chances of surviving from this moment into the future.” 

For about a century, Dunbar notes, the Western world has held at about half-family and half-friend in its social circles, down from what was almost entirely family not that far back in history, so too will the kin share of inner circles. We are all going to need more friends.

— excerpt from Brian Bethune’s article in, MacLean’s 

I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but it’s about living one culture at your home (family of origin), and a completely different one at school/work. My father moved to Canada from Italy when he was 13 and very much retained his values from the “old country.” I later found out from my cousins that Italy had evolved as well over time, but my father was apparently unaware, Lol ;) Anyhoo, I think this cultural divide veered me away from family at a young age. I love my family, but work, work friends, acquaintances always felt more real world to me than the old traditions. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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