Some fun (and maybe not so fun) differences and explanations about the disconnect between men and women according to Allison Armstrong....
According to Allison, Men and women have fundamentally different operating systems. Women have "diffuse awareness", meaning everything pours in on us and demands our attention. (i.e. it's like the garbage, laundry or messy kitchen are actually speaking to us). Men, by contrast have single-focus, meaning each thing in life is dealt with in an allotted time, one thing at a time and if it isn't a designated garbage duty moment, they may not notice the bags by the door, Lol;) Women are feeling creatures and live in pursuit of the emotional result they get from certain wardrobe or decor choices, outings etc.... which leads us to sex and orgasms. What is the real reason for that ongoing headache?? Men have a straight shot to orgasm, where for women, it's like "catching fish with your bare hands", Lol;) What leads women to orgasm has everything to do with what happens outside of the bedroom. What a man actually does in bed can have nothing to do with whether a woman is able to achieve orgasm. Oxytocin reserves are critical and romance/kind words/attention/caring gestures etc. are necessary in boosting this critical hormone. Without sufficient reserves of oxytocin, achieving orgasm can feel like work and be an exercise in frustration. Why do women like powerful men?? Women are subconsciously attracted to the testosterone boost of a confident, successful provider. When a man comes home lacking in confidence and competence a woman may feel confused internally and this can be purely subconscious. The man looks and feels like a provider, but if he's down and out, he will almost literally be lacking in the scent of testosterone. Are men tuning us out? According to Allison, men need to be approached at the right time... they don't want to hear about our woman to-do list while they're watching their favourite sport. They will not likely remember the conversation, let alone be able to deliver on the so-called commitments they made while they doled out the appropriate "uh-huh" (to get us to shut up, Lol;)). For more info on this, google Allison Armstrong. Lots of quick and interesting articles to read on her website).
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