Compliments of Joel Brass, Relationship Therapist
Imagine the following two profiles are submitted to an online dating sight:
Profile # 1 - Sexy, playful, intelligent, attractive, funny, successful, man/woman would like to meet person of their dreams; in spite of considerable worldly success, privately feels incomplete an inadequate on their own; needs constant approval and validation from another to feel good about themselves; finds exclusive commitment to be old-fashioned, boring, and suffocating; communicates indirectly or not at all about their feelings, needs and wants; avoids their own emotional pain and conflict with others at all cost; wants partner to take away all of their hurts and make them feel better; subtly blames the other when not happy with their own life; secretly seeks a new partner when not happy with the current one. If you are the one for me, email me at:
Profile # 2 - Sexy, playful, intelligent, attractive, funny, successful man/woman would like to meet person of their dreams; knows deeply within that I am enough, that I am acceptable, worthy, and loveable already; enjoys solitude and genuinely comfortable in my own skin but prefers to go through life with a cherished companion; willing to bring all of my heart, all of my mind, all of my body and all of my soul to the most dear of all humans to me; if or when I withdraw a portion or all of any of the aforementioned aspects of my love, will communicate about this in humble, vulnerable and honest ways or do some private inner work to restore my fullest offerings to them; willing to "sit in the fire" and deal with difficult or painful subjects if necessary; knows that no one person can or even should meet all of my needs; truly believes that I am fully and independently responsible for being happy and fulfilled in my own life. If you are the one for me, email me at; stillwouldlikecompanionship@Iamfull
'Nough said, Lol;)
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