Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tough choices and building character

We face difficult decisions regularly in life. What do we decide and how do we decide? It's interesting that we wrestle with so many things - big and small; should we have dessert, salad or fries, go to the gym or not, another drink or not, gossip or hold our tongue, one night stand or not, affair or not? How do we decide these things- instant gratification or long term vision, pleasure vs consequences? Each decision can be agonizing, no matter how small. So how do we decide in these moments?

What's interesting about decisions is that both options are generally good and bad. If we go for the immediate gratification, we can savour that precious sugar high or escape of being drunk or what have you, but then we face consequences later. If we choose to avoid consequences, we get to enjoy a better result - no hang over, no guilt from the one night stand or affair, a better physique or endorphin rush from the work out... but then we missed out on the pleasure that was available to us. Pleasure or consequences/guilt aside, what do these choices do for us? How do we feel about ourselves? If we could focus on how we will feel about ourselves when we choose the "long game", maybe we could get hooked on the better result, rather than the immediate hit of instant gratification. When we make choices that allow us to feel better, we can feel proud of ourselves. We can feel more confident, capable and worthy.... and maybe this is worth more than the short-lived gain of indulging in immediate pleasures that generally come at a cost. This one may take some practicing and convincing of ourselves, Lol;) (For more info on choosing feel good thoughts/actions check out Ask and it is Given).



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