Friday, December 19, 2014

Love or fear?

Could it really be that simple? Is everything we do based on fear or love? That sounds pretty over-simplified doesn't it? ... but what if we could actually think first, and make a different choice? What if we decided to go to a loving place and not take things on, so to speak? What if someone made a snide remark and we were able to let it fall off us - and maybe think that person could be having a bad day or feeling stuck in their life. What if most of the things that happen aren't about us at all.... ?

Many different schools of thought contend that we are solely responsible for our own emotions, our own life and everything in it. Many sayings teach the same - "When you get lemons, make lemonade" etc... so why is this so difficult? Why do we feel like victims, why do we want to hold onto feeling "wronged" etc. Why can't we leave others to their "stuff" and focus on ourselves and what we can do to be more joyful? I wonder what it would be like to keep trying this... to keep going "inward" and choosing to think nicer and kinder thoughts - not for others, but for us.... so we can feel better more of the time. This sounds kinda calming, actually, Lol. Worth a try? Maybe:) What have we got to lose?.... Hugs. (For more info check out The Course in Miracles books or Ask and it is Given).



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