Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Do we choose peace or grievances?

Life is a constant series of ups and downs; joy, pain, pet peeves, mishaps, laughter, tears and much more. It can seem like happiness is eclipsed by the many, many challenges. Frankly, it's not easy to take ... and there are so many options in trying to feel better or trying to look at things differently... and still when something difficult hits, like a break up, a death, a huge fight with a friend, family member or significant other, it just plain hurts. The pain in life can be extremely overwhelming... It would be so nice to have a fail safe, supportive resource to count on that actually works in the moment and that could help us shift for good. Does such a thing exist?

Many people turn to their chosen religion in times of need. Others may feel perfectly supported by family, friends, loved ones... but what if none of that is enough? Then what? How do we keep moving forward and continue trusting that there is a better day ahead and that the life of our dreams is possible? A Course in Miracles contends that we have two choices in navigating life: fear and love. We can hold onto grievances when we feel someone has hurt us, or we can relinquish these feelings and lean toward love. According to "The Course" if we focus on loving thoughts, we will "attract" a more loving world for ourselves. If we truly want peace in our lives, then we are supposed to make allowances for others and choose forgiveness, rather than holding onto grievances. Most importantly, if we can choose to go inward, find a place of love, kindness and forgiveness within, we can choose to feel good and not be at the mercy of others and things that happen "out there". Is this easy to do? Not sure... but it could be comforting to feel capable of feeling better whenever we need to... and not feeling that things are just happening to us beyond our control. Hugs.



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