Do we know what we want? When we're clear on this, how do we proceed? Do we fixate and attempt to control? Do we become attached to how we want things to come to us? Do we hold our breath, holding out for a very specific outcome? If we do, is this wrong?
According to most teachings, it's great to know what we want. It's also beneficial to maintain a focus on the things we want. If we can release the how and the particulars, however, life may unfold in front of us with greater ease and abundance. Apparently, what comes will generally be even better than what we could have envisioned. The act of surrender is said to free us and the "energy" out there for greater creativity and magic. Letting go could be a relaxing way to go.... of course we'd have to trust.... trust in what?.... that good things can happen for us?... and does it matter how, as long as we're happier in the end? Just sayin;) Hugs.
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