Sunday, May 5, 2024

Ways to show up for yourself…

  • Allow yourself to feel a multitude of feelings without labelling it as wrong, bad or negative
  • Practice listening to your needs and discovering different ways to meet those needs
  • Practice self-forgiveness; for not being perfect, for forgetting, for your past, for what you don’t know, and for getting “off-track” sometimes
  • Give yourself permission to rest, to take breaks, and to have down time
  • Spend quality time with yourself: reading, writing, creating and getting to know who you are underneath who you think you should be
— Unknown

My favourite therapist taught me about having my own back. I grew up the peace keeper in our family, which led to people pleasing, and a lack of healthy discussions and boundaries in my relationships. I’ve never liked anger and negativity, but I’ve learned that conflict can be peacefully resolved with the right partner and a respectful and caring approach. I also learned that each person has to come to the table with some accountability and a willingness to make adjustments for the sake of the relationship. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO 



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