Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Individual needs, separate from relationship needs…

I was doing some free form journaling yesterday and had quite the epiphany. I often feel and mention that my relationship is perfect even when it isn’t perfect, and this is so true, lucky me … and yet I feel a bit guilty when the odd petty grievance pops into my head. This time, rather than shame myself for expecting an unrealistic level of perfection, I decided to explore the pesky little buggers. So I rambled out my thoughts and feelings, and they very quickly subsided. Cool, no big deal. Life isn’t perfect. We all know this. But giving myself permission to be annoyed felt great and then I had an even bigger take away. Beneath the grievances were unmet needs and I realized that there are the needs of the relationship, and then there are our individual needs. Sometimes the two need permission to go in different directions. Given these trying couple of years, I’m sure we all have our very specific and individual needs. We can love and like our partner to the moon and back and also need a little me time to nurture our frayed nerves. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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