Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Accept yourself…

To be beautiful means to be yourself. 

You don’t need to be accepted by others. 

You need to accept yourself.

— Thich Nhat Hanh

I distinctly remember the pivotal turning point in my life, post icky break up. I was determined that this would be my final break up and I was prepared to be on my own for as long as needed. It was time to figure out how to choose my ideal partner. It was an interesting process and it didn't take as long as I thought it would. I did seek help! Much help. I returned to my favourite therapist for two weekend workshops; “The Inner Child Seminar” and “The Work of Love” seminar. I also worked with a traditional therapist who utilizes a number techniques (including EMDR) and I worked with a life/energy (Craniosacral therapy) coach. My key take away was realizing that I had to “have my own back, all the way”. This meant accepting myself for who I am and for how I enjoy living my life. I made a list of the things I enjoy doing, that I want to keep doing. I also gave myself permission to stop doing things that I don’t enjoy doing (like hiking, camping, cycling to far flung locations Lol, etc.). I figured, if I’m not outdoorsy enough or cultured enough (because I don’t relish spending my vacation time in museums and/or watching musicals. I’d rather watch live sports and comedy) for someone, then that person is not for me. This was tremendously freeing. Frankly, it was a huge relief and a big weight off my shoulders. I met the love of my life within 6 months after that… and life is so sweet. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO




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