Sunday, April 24, 2022

Conversations we least want to have…

Conversations form the lifeblood of our relationships. It’s why your best quality relationships are ones in which there is the highest quality of conversations. The kind that may not always be easy to have, but ultimately deepen trust and serve the highest growth.

All well and good.

Except that often the conversations we most need to have are those we least want to have. You know the ones…

Too awkward… to uncomfortable… too risky…

The result: issues that aren’t talked out get acted out…

The quality of your relationships is determined by the quality of the conversations you have in them.

— Dr Margie Warrell (Senior Partner, Korn Ferry CEO & Leadership Advisory, bestselling author, keynote speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice) 

I am absolutely certain that my relationship is successful because we have such conversations. I’m not gonna lie. They’re not fun at the time. But when we commit to achieving a mutual understanding, we are able to lay down arms. We acknowledge the present discomfort and we allow for our emotional intensity, which, interestingly enough, removes much of the sting. Above all, we openly state that we care about what the other is going through. We don’t need to make each other wrong. The main objective is to prevent a similar scenario from happening again. There is always a take away or two. Either we misunderstood the other, or there was triggering history (from childhood or a previous relationship). Each conversation adds to our relationship playbook, if you will, which strengthens our bond and minimizes conflict. Just sayin’ : ) Hugs. XO



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