Tuesday, January 26, 2021

“This isn’t the movies”...

Read it and let it sink in

Every relationship will get “boring” after you’ve been together for years. Love isn’t a feeling it’s a commitment to love every day, physically and emotionally. It’s difficult, it’s not always laughs, smiles and fun. People tend to quit when it stops being fun, and they go look for someone else, because “the spark is gone”. No, that’s not how it works. You want someone to never give up on you, and love you unconditionally then do the same. Be the change. This isn’t Hollywood, this isn’t the movies. That shit isn’t real. Love someone when you don’t want to. When they’re hard to love. That’s the realist shit there is.

— Unknown author

I’ve read a fair bit about the “honeymoon phase” of relationships, where we experience and enjoy the rose tinted glasses view. Everything is perfect and exciting and we don’t notice (or we ignore) a few red flags. Then down the road, when the new and shiny phase has worn off, we see what we’re dealing with. My favourite therapist says we should aim for noticing red flags up front before we’re all dewey eyed and we can make rational smart decisions. If we’re not thinking long term, and just having casual fun, then that’s probably a different discussion. Who am I to say, Lol. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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