Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Things are not always natural...

Be gentle with yourself, friends. Speak kindly. Repeat affirmations if it helps. Things don’t get easier; we just get better at them. That takes practice, repetition, hard work, focus, effort. These things are not always natural and go against what is comfortable. 


I learned some key relationship skills from group weekend workshops. Some of the exercises were sort of terrifying actually. We had to learn about “clearing” on one weekend. If there was anyone in the group we felt discomfort around, we had to approach them and own these feelings. Honestly, I said no way. But interestingly, each person I felt tension with approached me and it turned out to be a very meaningful experience. For example, one guy came up to me and said, “You remind of my ex girlfriend and she kind of broke my heart.” I listened, felt a lot of compassion for the guy and we both realized his feelings had very little to do with me. I think this allowed him to process some old stuff and allowed me to face the boogey man, which was just someone’s hurt heart in the end. I’ve continued to conduct this exercise in my personal life and I’ve found that welcoming people to share their experience and feelings can be profoundly healing for both people. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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