Sunday, January 24, 2021

Losing someone...

You don’t have to cheat to lose someone. You can lose someone from a lack of communication, attention, and disrespect. It’s not always what you do, sometimes it’s about what you didn’t do.

— Unknown

I wish I could coach my younger self. I look back and realize I had no idea how to communicate in my earlier relationships. I thought men could read my mind, I thought we would naturally live well together, I thought the chemistry, attraction and romance would take care of the relationship. Duh! The first important thing I learned in couples counselling was that two people should establish a “division of labor,” to minimize disagreements around day-to-day household chores. Above all, I learned how to communicate about my needs and wants. It’s all worked out, as I did meet the perfect love of my life and I learned how to be successful in a relationship. We talk about everything and we invite each other to share our feelings and experiences, so we can navigate together. No finger pointing! Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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