Thursday, February 21, 2019

Loving what you have...

Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.

— Unknown

I had to go back to basics when the financial crisis hit. Jobs were plentiful throughout my career and headhunters called frequently. Post 2008, there was just nothing. I was able to scrounge up some work here and there, but the jobs paid half what they used to and seemed unpleasant for one reason or another. I put a full halt to spending and still the relentless monthly bills were making me physically ill. Regardless, I would get out of bed everyday, read the paper, enjoy some sort of writing, work out, keep my house clean and tidy and spend quality time with my friends. I noticed how easy it was to fill the days and wondered how I got everything done when I was working full time, Lol. :) A former manager pulled me out from under and now I’m in a dream job making more money than I’ve ever made in my life. What I find interesting is my complete lack of interest in spending money. Sure, I go out for dinner, buy some new wardrobe items (usually at consignment or Value Village, even though I can afford much more) and take two warm trips a year. Beyond that, I enjoy watching my savings and investments grow. Mostly, I love my treasured friends and loved ones. I love hanging in coffee shops, writing, looking at magazines, chillin’ at home, watching movies, working out... all the things that saved me when my rainy day hit. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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