Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Passing through...

Not everyone is meant to be in your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in life.

— Unknown

I’ve run into a couple of ex’s lately (one I stopped and talked to, the other I avoided and the most recent and raw one I’m relieved to have not run into). It’s hard not to look back and wonder what in the heck I was thinking? They say hindsight is 20-20 and we should not judge ourselves for our past choices. Supposedly, it’s all a part of our journey and the learnings guide us somewhere better. Actually, this has absolutely been the case for me... but I’m still working on gratitude for my past, forgiveness for my past mistakes and letting go of the hurt and humiliation from my biggest errors in judgement. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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