Wednesday, August 9, 2017

How to start the day...

First thing successful people do in the morning:

1. Tackle the hardest problem on your plate (Mark Twain)
2. Visualize how you will make your day (Tony Robbins)
3. Work out. I do it just to clear my head and relieve me of stress (Barack Obama)
4. Don't check your email and do real work (David Karl)
5. Talk to customers. Customer service (Craig Newmark)
6. Every morning I ask myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' (Steve Jobs)

- Anna Vital (Founder at Adioma, Infographic author who runs Funders and Founders, where they explain things visually. Vital is a visionary and an influential member of the Silicon Valley tech community).

Two words come to mind; focus and commitment. Just sayin' :)



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