Sunday, November 13, 2016

Got a good sense of humor?...

"Having a good sense of humor reduces stress, helps you cope with pain, creates empathy in social situations, and can even improve our odds of finding a mate."

- Brandon Spector, Readers Digest

6 Signs you have a good sense of humor, compliments of

1. You make laughing a priority, which is said to make us happier and healthier. Studies show that smiling instantly boosts your mood and laughing can soothe tension and melt stress.
2. You practice self-acceptance. Good-humored individuals embrace their flaws and laugh them off (and let them go).
3. You're creative - it takes a lot of mental energy to come up with quick-witted quips that keep grins on others' faces. One 2014 study found that laughter can also lead to a sharper short-term memory.
4. You're conscientious - there's a line between well-intentioned humor and mean-spirited jokes, and those with good humor know the difference (being funny without hurting others people's feelings).
5. You have good physical well-being - giggles can stimulate the organs, improve your immune system and relieve pain. Overall, humor can benefit us physically and emotionally, according to Peter McGrawm Ph.D.

Sense of humor can certainly take the edge off. Just sayin' ;)



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