Monday, January 4, 2016


"Clearing" is a concept I learned in a group therapy workshop (and in truth I was only there because I was trying to save my current relationship. I wish I could say I was all noble and wanting to improve myself, Lol). I have to admit, the idea of "confronting" people terrified me. I was young and came from very limited skills in this department. What I saw growing up was a lot of fighting and very little resolving. For me, avoidance seemed the most peaceful path and a smart way to go. Yeah, so that came back to haunt me over the years of course. It is completely unrealistic to think you can go through life avoiding conflict. Once I was able to overcome the panic and fear of others' reactions, I came to understand that we can clear the air in a non-threatening way, by using openers such as "I am feeling" or "my experience is." There is one footnote, however. I have it on good authority that not everyone has the capacity to "hear" and without this capacity clearing can be a challenge, and maybe even impossible. Certainly worth a shot though :)



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