Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Untapped Power of Forgiveness

The Untapped Power of Forgiveness: overcoming significant emotional loss/hurt/betrayal and manifesting the life of your dreams.

What to do when life deals a shocking and emotionally painful blow... The inevitable five stages of grief come as a package deal and unfortunately all of the books and articles on grieving do not remove the waves of turmoil that become a constant companion. It would be completely natural to numb out and avoid the "ride" with drugs/alcohol, sex, food, anything new, fill in the blank. At the end of the day, however, in the dark and quiet of the home or during the few hours of sleep that one can muster, the mind has it's way. Just pure torture. So, what to do....

Many wise people advise, turn the worst thing that's ever happened to you into the best thing that's ever happened to you. There are countless resources on overcoming grief, finding the love of your life, living in the moment, finding spirituality, doing yoga and other healing physical activities, managing anger and on and on. Therapy, spiritual healing, support groups are another option and all of these avenues are of great value, when one chooses to face the pain. This is a courageous road to pursue and can truly deliver a bright and shiny new life. Most importantly, the red carpet to this new, desirable life is the simple and subtle process of forgiveness. People misunderstand the meaning and purpose of forgiveness. The process is actually a selfish one, in that we look back at our life from the ground up and uncover all of the moments and people who have hurt us along the way. (The book The Law of Forgiveness provides short statements that have proven to remove the hijacked energy around these past occurances). What is most surprising and inspiring is that the person we need to forgive the most is ourselves. We are generally unaware of the high expectations we've had of ourselves and how we continue to judge ourselves at every moment. We should be further ahead, we shouldn't have a string of failed relationships, we should make more money, we should be more successful in our careers, we should be mother Teresa and taking care of everyone. It might be hard to believe, but saying a few simple statements around each and every past issue/person releases and frees up palpable new and powerful energy. We can start to focus on today and what sort of life we actually want to create.

Try it, it really works!



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