Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fulfillment: waiting on wishes and dreams

Fulfillment: waiting on wishes and dreams

Wishes, dreams, prayers, whatever your beliefs, we all sit hoping for things in life - better job, more money, better relationship, true love, more free time, and on and on. Some of us go so far as to buy books on "manifesting abundance", generating passive income and get-rich-quick type schemes. Many people these days are engaged in some form of at home or sideline business. With internet access, the pornography and dating sites are generating billions and billions of dollars ... and yet we live in a society where one third of the population is officially on  antidepressants and divorce/infidelity are at an all time high.

Why is that and is there a solution?

Church, therapy, education, money management, how to books, seminars.... there are a lot of resources out there and yet unhappiness persists. I love the saying "no matter where you go, there you are". We can change jobs, change relationships, move to a new location, attract new sex, numb out with x substance, but ultimately we're still left with our circumstances, which never change overnight.

So what is the answer? A lot of wise people speak of faith or trust. That sounds very evolved and noble, but what does that mean and how do we manage our frustrations, disappointments and going without on a day to day basis? A lot of the same wise people say we need to change from the inside out. Huh? This loses most people for good reason. What the heck does that mean? Sounds like crap, right? Well, hang on a second... maybe not. If we can pause for one moment, maybe there's a whiff of something in that advice to ease our pain and impatience. Something may free up if we can choose to think positively for a brief moment, or if we can at least be open to possibilities. This moment of pause may inspire us to talk to someone new, take a course, change our spending habits, say something nice to our spouse. Attitude may be enough.... just saying;) (If you'd like, refer to Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks).



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