Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Finding worthwhile love

Finding worthwhile love

I don't think anyone wants to hear about the real road to a meaningful, long lasting love. That journey begins with each of us and involves going "inward"... and what does that really mean anyway. I started hearing about needing to go inward at a young age and had no idea how to do that and I certainly couldn't fathom why anyone should do that. I received all such talk as mumbo jumbo and thought such statements were cliche utterings from people who were already happily in a relationship and who merely looked at the single population out there with sympathy and perhaps even a hint of disdain. After years of exploration on the topic, I now believe that the majority of people elect to remain in relationships that are middling at best. The real, long lasting, love relationships that most of us probably want seem to be very rare and also seem to require a special type of commitment - two very compatible people who consciously choose well up front and who are willing to nurture their relationship in an ongoing, aware way, with some important assistance from great books, couple or single therapy, coaches and what have you.

So, what does it mean to go "inward" and how do we do it? Going inward refers to being self-aware. If we're looking to be fulfilled by another, we're in for a lot of fun and passion in the honeymoon phase, generally followed by disappointment and potentially a lot of devastation in the end. Unless we have some knowledge of ourselves and what we need for our basic happiness, we may not be able to choose a fitting partner. Put two people together who don't know what they need/want on a meaningful level and the honeymoon may be short lived. I'm sure that some very compatible couples find each other and enjoy much fulfillment, but I'm sure most people would agree that we don't see many examples of this out in the real world. So, for those of us who want what Hollywood is selling! ... there are some great books that may help us whether we're single and looking to be prepared for Mr or Mrs right or whether we're in a relationship and feel that things could be/should be better. Check out The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, The Power of Now by E.Tolle, Finding Your Extraordinary Love by C. Giuntoli and The Law of Forgiveness by C. Domino for starters. For the real keeners, therapy, spiritual healing, life coaching and any other such guidance can be a real life changer in all respects - love, career, money and all relationships.



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