Sunday, January 19, 2025

The trap of repressed emotions…

Feelings have never killed anybody. Repressing them have caused many to lose their lives.

— Unknown 

I have learned that repressed feelings lie in wait, and wreak havoc on our most important relationships. Now, I will say that excavating old traumas demands an enormous amount of courage and bravery because you have to re-live some very scary experiences. The “work” will take you back to a time of helplessness and vulnerability. In truth, I only embarked on intensive therapy to save my (second!) marriage. My husband plainly stated that he was not going to take on my family baggage and ongoing drama. Thank God he did. There’s no way I would have sorted out my past, solidified my emotional world and found the love of my life without therapy. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO 



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