Based on a growing science, Zaki calls on people to replace cynicism with “hopeful skepticism” that helps see the world more clearly and activates them to create a better future by leveraging “the surprising wisdom of hope.”
Although it’s understandable, cynicism is not helpful. Research shows it’s harmful on both personal and social levels. Cynics suffer worse physical and mental health, and communities suffer, too. Elites who want to ensure the status quo are well served by a population that believes things can’t get any better. It’s truly dangerous when we stop seeing any way out. Cynicism is harmful for individuals’ overall health. Cynics suffer more depression, isolation and heart disease. They lose out on friendship, love and opportunity. They drink more alcohol, earn less money and even die younger than non-cynics.
Cynicism is also harmful to communities of all sizes, whether it’s a family, a town, a company, a nation. People’s willingness to trust is the engine grease of society that allows people to work together, so social mistrust creates instability, leading to increased crime, polarization and disease…
Cynicism leads to shocking levels of misinformation and susceptibility to misinformation. Worse still, when people feel like they can’t trust institutions, they often end up bonding with individuals who share their distrust — even when those individuals promote remarkably destructive and unrealistic ideas…
As a scientist, I’m not here to say there’s more good than bad in humanity; those are theological and philosophical questions. But I can say that people are more trustworthy, friendlier, more open-minded and more generous than we predict — that we underestimate one another systematically in dozens of different ways.
— excerpt from CTV Lifestyle article “Cynics not only lose out on friendships, love and opportunity — they’re also wrong about human nature”, written by Jessica DuLong, published Nov 9th 2024
I’ve always been an optimistic, almost to a fault. Of late, though, I’ve felt quite concerned about the state of the world; climate change, disturbing violence, political polarization, cost of living, the wars. So I was happy to come across this article today. Feeling uplifted by the inherent goodness of (at least a good percentage of) people is clearly better for the heart, mind, body and soul. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO