Sunday, June 16, 2024

Walking on egg shells…

Many people who grew up walking on egg shells become perfectionists or overachievers.

They’ve learned the only way they’ll be accepted is if they cause no problems and are “perfect.”

— @the.holistic.psychologist

Well, that used to be me. I grew up in a tumultuous home, with fiery parents who disagreed on much and didn’t seem to like each other a whole lot. I do feel the three of us kids paid the price, and it was pretty traumatized watching my parents lay hands on my older brother and sister, and then me. I soon became the people pleaser, trying to minimize the drama. Above all, I wanted to stay off the radar, and so I excelled at school, work and chores. The issue is, you carry these coping mechanisms into your adult life and wind up tolerating far too much in relationships. It took me a mountain of therapy and cash to establish boundaries, to figure out who the right match would be and to learn the skills necessary for a healthy and happy relationship. Needless to day, I’m a big proponent of therapy. Self help and motivation seminars are great, but in my experience, some issues are deeply rooted and require a professional. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO 



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