Saturday, December 9, 2023

The ego vs the soul…

The ego says:
If it hurts, cover it up, run way from it, numb it with addictions, 
avoid it at all cost.

The soul says:
If it hurts, then as hard as it is, see it, be present with it, 
give it your love and compassion, 
for you cannot cut off a part of yourself and feel whole.

— (Trauma-informed transformational life coach and mentor) 

My favourite therapist says that “doing the work is not for the faint of heart” because you pretty much have to go through the deepest pain to get to the other side. I remember feeling pretty upside down for a while, and the tears flowed endlessly. I’m not afraid of the old wounds anymore though, and I’m able to visit the past with perspective (about generational trauma), and compassion for my relatives and myself. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO




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