Sunday, July 9, 2023

The first step of healing (and manifesting a beautiful relationship)…

Be the love you never received.
Be the acknowledgement you never got.
Be the listener you always needed.
Look at the younger versions of yourself within you 
and give yourself what it is you always needed.
That is the first step of healing.
If you want others to see you, you must see yourself.

— Vienna Pharaon (One of New York’s most sought after relationship therapists. She is the founder and owner of group practice Mindful Marriage and Family Therapy)

I ended up in intensive therapy to save my marriage. Although the marriage wasn’t salvageable (we had been forewarned about 50-50 odds), I embraced individual counselling, and never looked back. A few key take aways after 20+ yrs of healing, and relationship skills work; quite a high degree of compatibility seems necessary, success is way more likely if each partner deals with their own individual baggage, and good/healthy relationship skills are a bigger advantage than one may think (For example, I learned how to cultivate an inviting, empathetic, and compassionate communication style… for the most part, Lol). Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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