Thursday, December 15, 2022

Having your own back…

I think my biggest take away from therapy (because I’m a sensitive creature who went to the school of hard knocks in my family of origin, which sort of set me up for a big life learning curve) is the importance of having one’s own back. Okay, well, actually there are two big nuggets. The second one is leaning into your feelings. Like really validating your experience and giving yourself permission to be upset, angry and hurt. Of course, at some point we’re supposed to sort it all out (which typically requires professional assistance), find forgiveness and move onward an upward in a healthy and happy way. We shan’t wallow and become bitter angry person, ok? But we shall have our own back, sooth and nurture ourselves back to health. And then find a sense of empowerment and live an eff’ing fantastic life. Am I right? Just sayin’ ‘;) Hugs and best of the season to you. I know Xmas can be really hard. Hang in there. XO



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