Monday, August 5, 2019

Your future self...

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

— Unknown

For a long time I heard people say things like “you have to go inward” and “you have to invest in yourself” and “you have to love yourself first”. I didn’t understand what all of this meant and I certainly didn’t know how to go about it... until life threw some big curve balls in career, love and money. I went back to the drawing board, worked with a couple of savvy mentors and took a fresh approach. Without really thinking about it, I made life altering commitments to myself; I focused on accomplishing meaningful results each and every day at work, I cleaned up my diet with a couple of extra healthy choices per day, I made a more honest account of the life I wanted to lead and the kind of partner who would compliment my future and I put my health and well-being at the top of my priorities. The results were quite astounding. All of my dreams (that I had clearly identified) came true within eleven months and life continues to get better and better. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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