Friday, June 15, 2018

Handling emotional triggers...

How to Handle Emotionally Triggering Situations + People:

1. Remove your attention from the person or situation and focus on your breath.
2. Take a break. Physically leave the situation.
3. Find the humor in the situation.
4. Ask yourself why you’re being triggered.
5. Don’t bypass your feelings, but don’t act them out either. It’s OK to consciously delay experiencing them. 


First we would need to be aware of and admit that we’re being “triggered.” I think sometimes we get slammed and we’re not sure what’s going down. Hopefully we can regain some sense of awareness sooner than later and sort the whole thing out, rather than blaming others for making us feel yucky. One of my valued coaches says whatever we’re feeling/reacting to is our stuff, plain and simple. If we do some investigative work, odds are good that we can reduce run-away emotions in the future. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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