Monday, April 16, 2018

Not powerless...

Everything changes when we stop behaving as if we are powerless.

- Melody Ross (American artist, writer, entrepreneur. She is one of the most well-known names in the art and design community, for her original company Chatterbox and her current company Brave Girls Club. She is known for her unique, soulful art, her positivity in the face of adversity and her hard-earned wisdom. Ross is happily married with five children).

I was schooled on the “victim mentality” many years ago. This was a foreign concept to me because I had been victimized, for real. My coach explained that we have to make peace with our paiful experiences and reclaim our lives. We are supposed to embrace our adult selves and make healthy decisions moving forward, rather than being stuck in an unconscious, child-like state (I’m paraphrasing). This doesn’t seem to come easily or quickly in my experience, and I certainly benefitted from a number resources; life coaching, psychologist, energy work, to name a few. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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