Saturday, February 3, 2018

Love what you have...

When you love what you have, you have everything you need.

- Unknown

I am no stranger to the financial crisis of 2008 and beyond. I had just hit a career peak, only to realize the terrible timing. I was layed off and there were no jobs for quite some time. When jobs did come up, they paid half what I was used to earning. This was a very surreal and scary time for me. I ran through all of my RRSP’s and accumulated alarming debt. Interestingly, I am still noticing the silver lining. Out of complete necessity, I learned how to stop spending. I’m flush again, and yet I can’t bring myself to spend a whole lot. For some reason, I don’t feel the need. Instead, I enjoy watching my investments grow. I often pause to smile because I know I have everything I need. I met the love of my life a few years ago, I’m in the perfect job, I have more treasured friends than a girl may deserve and I am truly content. No amount of money could make me happier (comfortortable, sure, but not happier) than I am today. How cool is that. Just sayin :) Hugs.



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