Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Empty cup...

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.

- Unknown

I came to this conclusion about four years ago, after a bad break up. I wasn’t taking proper care in my romantic life and ended up on the butt end of a nasty betrayal. I knew deep down that my relationship wasn’t working, but I was putting off blowing everything up. I find it really hard to break up, especially when living together. While I was busy putting off dealing with the situation, my Ex went ahead and delved fully into a new relationship. Ugh. I now take care of my own business first and branch out from there. I’ve learned to respect that I have less to give at times. Putting yourself first and potentially letting people down takes getting used to. In the end, all aspects of my life are more fulfilling than they’ve ever been and when I do have the energy to give I am much more present, engaged and happy to be there. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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