Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tip toe if you must...

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe is you must, but take the step.

- Unknown

It occurs to me that my biggest blessings have come from decisions I made very consciously.

1. Giving up sweets - cravings for protein and vegies instead, weight control, better energy level, clothes fit better, feel sexier.
2. Writing a blog - daily learning and acceptance of personal foibles and perceived weaknesses.
3. Working harder every day - more bonus, recognition, feeling of value with customers.
4. Choosing a nicer/more giving partner - more joy and love than I thought possible.
5. Learned to say no - less concern over what people think, less quilt and pressure to do things out of duty and obligation, more peace, calm, energy, positivity.
6. Saying no to drama/negativity filled people - feeling free and not weighed down, peace, calm.

Just sayin' :) Hugs.



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