Thursday, July 14, 2016

Never say die ;) ...

"I've been to hell and back. I spill shit, I trip and embarrass myself. I can't just flutter my eyes and get what I want. My life is messed up. I've been through more shit than you see on TV. Nobody's perfect. I've been lied to, cheated on, & had my heart stolen. I'VE FUCKEDUP, FUCKED PEOPLE UP & BEEN FUCKED UP. But, every hit was worth it because I felt it. I KNEW IT WAS REAL. Life is real & I'm living it wrong everyday. I'm fucking up royally & doing everything opposite. But do I regret one thing? NEVER. Because, at one point what I did was what I wanted & I got my FUCKING SATISFACTION. My life is mine & no stupid bitches or immature people can fuck it up for me anymore. I'm the real deal & I'd love to see you TRY AND FUCKING BREAK ME."


I love it ;)



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