Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Power is controlling yourself…

Power is not controlling other people. Power is controlling yourself. Trying to control other people is the first sign that you are entirely out of control. Controlling others is what weak people think power looks like. 

— Unknown 

My fetal sugar syndrome comes to mind, Lol. I joke, but I kinda think there’s some truth to this. I’ve had an on again, off again relationship with sugar my entire life. I sort of blame my mother for this, because she admitted to having two chocolate bars and a pot of tea every single day, her entire pregnancy with me. Not the best diet for a growing fetus, Lol. Fortunately, my Italian father was an uber healthy guy, with a vegetable garden for a back yard (in lieu of a pool, which sucked for us kids), and ate a pretty strict Mediterranean diet. If we were with Dad and we wanted a snack, he’d stop at the corner store and tell us to pick a piece of fruit. We thought it was pretty yummy actually. If we were with Mom, we had McDonalds and chocolate bars. Anyhoo, as a grown adult, I know it’s on me to manage my health, so I keep an eye on the old sugar intake. I feel quite fortunate (and thank Dad for those Mediterranean jeans) that I have the will power to kick the sugar habit when I need to. At one point I avoided sugar for almost four years. At the moment, I allow cheat days and if/when it gets out of hand, I go cold turkey for a while again. Seems to be working pretty well. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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