Sunday, January 7, 2024

Maybe you overthink so much because…

* You didn’t grow up in a safe environment
* You took on adult duties way too early in life
* You were harshly judged for making mistakes
* You had to figure out everything on your own
* You were made to feel you aren’t good enough

— Unknown 

According to my favourite therapist (from his 40+ years of experience with individual and family therapy), most of us grew up feeling loved a maximum of like 4 - 6 times out of 10. In other words, even the best of parents aren’t able to meet a child’s needs much of the time. This is a surprising insight, and makes you feel a bit better about your upbringing if you suffered abuse (sniff, sniff). What I find sad is the negative impact these early experiences can have on our primary relationships. If great relationship skills were not modelled at home, where does one learn how to have healthy, intimate connections. Thankfully, my path led to intensive therapy, life coaching, energy work and relationship workshops. I can’t recommend this extra education enough. It’ll change your life in every way possible. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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